My Clicks arrived this afternoon. After opening the fairly large Amazon box I was surprised by how small the actual Click 3 pack is. Even though I saw the pictures, it was tough to judge. In case it helps, the center circle is about the size of an American or Canadian nickel. In fact, if you have your own paper or stickers you want to put in the center, that is an excellent template.
As is my method, I did not bother reading anything and just tried to get things to work.
1) The first Click paired quickly and easily with an Almond 3 after I put it's batteries in, no problems.
2) The second Click paired quickly and easily with an Almond+, same as the first.
3) The third Click was not as happy. It failed association with the same Almond 3 as the first Click. It stopped blinking so apparently it thought it had gotten somewhere. I pulled out the instructions and reset it (took 2 tries to get it back to blinking). On the second attempt to add it, it acted just like the first Click and paired right away.
Trying them out:
One the LCDs they show up easily for One Press, Two Press, and Long Press. Although the Long Press seems to take TOO long.
In the Rules the options you have available are:
One Press
Two Press
Long Press
Low Battery
These cover exactly what you would expect and work nicely. I was able to program some Rules for a light and had my daughter in the hallway pressing the button to watch it work.

There is a caveat to this... There is no "not pressed" state that it switches back to. So if you tell a light to turn on (if it is off) with one press, then turn off (if it is on) with one press... it will keep turning on and off because the Click will continue to say One Press until it is switched to something else.
Possible Improvements:
1) It would be nice if the Long Press time is configurable.
2) Why just one press or two press? That seems like it would just be a software change to recognize more on the Click and for Almonds to receive it... I would love 4. That way I could have on/off for a bedroom light AND on/off for the bedroom fan. All on one tiny little remote.
3) Packaging seems RIPE for a 4 pack.
4) Label the blue plastic double-sided tape... I did not realize what they were at first. Plus, to be honest, I doubt I would ever use them. Unless I was sure they were Command Strips (the stuff that will not damage paint on walls) there is no way I am sticking them on much of anything.
5) My girls asked for more colors in your circles...

They thought the Securifi and Almond stickers were not necessary (I tend to agree with that) since they would not fit on a Click anyways. That would free up 6 more sticker spots (useful for that future 4 pack).

6) It would be nicer if the batteries were pre-installed, with the little plastic pull-strips. Incredibly minor.
7) That tamper switch is tiny... a LITTLE bigger might be nice for the rare time you need to press it.
8 ) If you want a larger audience for these besides just Almonds for HA, you probably should remove the Requires section on the side of the box. Maybe tout how it integrates best with them... but having a line about "Can work with ZigBee controllers..." would be good. The Clicks could be really handy in general.
9) I recommend adding a "with IFTTT" to the "Track a habit..." or "Play your favorite track...". Those SOUND like they would be easy to do from the packaging, but they are not. Not unless you make changes to the Almond app themselves to allow that to understand device statuses and do more than just notifications... FEATURE REQUEST?!
10) I like that the Click in the instructions is "life size". Might be nice if the front of the box also had them sized that way, with one of those little "Shown actual size" notes below it. Just to show people how small they really are.
11) No lanyards/key chain rings (not even cheap ones) included, or able to be purchased as an option. Very minor.