Yes. I am OK with just having the device getting its time from the local NTP server.
I do that today with my Ubiquiti AirOS wireless AP as the one wireless network is autonmous from the internet on its own network and another one doesn't touch ever touch the internet.
The NTP time sync time zone / DST / ST stuff; it is incorrect. (not doing daylight savings time).
Grandstream does off the option of a manual entry which saves looking at a very long list of timezones
IE: plus syncing to the inhouse NTP server.
To solve my issue with DST on my Almond, I simply do a "echo PST8PDT7 >/etc/TZ" from a Telnet session. This should be fixed in a future Firmware revision. Unfortunately I need to do this manually after every restart of the Router.
I live in the Pacific Time Zone" we are UTC-0800 in the Winter, and UTC-0700 in the Summer.

In 90% of Canada we observe "Daylight Savings Time". Here in British Columbia, Canada, 99% of the province, including Victoria, observes "Daylight Saving Time", this means that in the Summer months we are UTC-0700 hrs, while in the Winter we are UTC-0800 hrs. (There are some exceptions, including Creston, BC, Canada - See Wikipedia article: Time in Canada (aka