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Author Topic: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )  (Read 24238 times)

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Offline MrBishop

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2015, 05:07:54 pm »
Yeah I've reset my modem a number of times, my routers have all been wiped clean and resetup. The only thing I can think of it's some weird issue with my phone being connected to one of my routers and it might be having issues connection to the cloud when i'm not hooked directly through the A+. But honestly the announce of that isn't nearly as bad as my (in my opinion, justified) paranoia of the cloud. Why on earth would they think I want my router the thing that is the most crucial part of a network to be that vulnerable from so many forms of attack? I'm not even talking about some NSA agent stealing and selling my information, i'm talking about corporate espionage frying our machines, or a hacker tapping into them. I mean the last two or three years have shown the concept just isn't safe for sensitive things, truly sensitive things. Like would you store your Social Security number in google Drive? Then why would you want your security system dependent on trusting a company not to go under, get attacked, or have just one bad employee. Frankly the moment something happens and it's the "cloud" that got breached i'm holding Securifi solely responsible for all consequences. I've begged and pleaded, and even offered to help fund to get off the cloud. I wasn't told it was a mandatory feature for home automation and the Android App befor I bought it and I looked around. Sadly I only had the kickstarter page to go form and I didn't remember them mentioning dependence on the internet for my app to work. So when my modem stales out, or if there's a bad winter, my security is useless, my automation is useless, and it's basically just an overpriced router with a silly touch screen. However with cloudless app functionality we know that this will work even if Securifi goes bankrupt, or if they get hacked it doesn't have to mean doom and terror for every customer. Also I don't think Securifi has thought out the liability issues with forcing a cloud only approach. I don't think i'm the only one who doesn't want to have to have internet for my phone that's on the exact same network as the machine (or if I buy a domain and open a port) that could be easily accomplished.

Does anyone else have connection issues still or is it just me?

Offline fillibar

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2015, 05:53:02 pm »
  I have not had issues with the cloud functionality in general (barring the previously mentioned service disruptions) and mine generally respond within a second or two. That being said I am also on board with a cloud alternative, like a SECURE method to set the app to go directly to the router itself. Or maybe have the router WUI available using DNS... which is possible NOW but not nearly as secure as would be desired.
  Plus it has been mentioned before that having a fallback to their cloud infrastructure (setting the app to go directly back to the router) would be beneficial for when the cloud is having trouble. As we have seen a few times. Usually not Securifi's fault there but "the cloud" is not the end-all-be-all solution many companies enjoy touting.
Almond 3 mesh handling the home.

Offline allever

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2015, 10:04:55 am »
I agree.  I do not like the clouds.  Securifi is making themselves a target for hackers.  If they could hack into securifi's system, they probably could mess with customers sensors.   There should be an alternative where I can connect to my home ip and be able to access these functions.   I don't see why there is a need for Securifi to be involved in this.  Why are they the middleman!?

Offline Sharad

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2015, 11:20:33 am »
The cloud services seem to be down again I haven't  received a single notification on my android since the last 24 hours of-course cant control the almond remotely too.
 Locally the Almond+ is working  sensors / switches all functional Status says it is connected to the Internet, Phone too is working fine connected to the net.
Would like to know like others have mentioned here if there is anyway remote access could be executed independent of the securifi cloud services....

Offline KP4

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2015, 11:22:36 am »
I have two Almond +, and never had a cloud problem until last week.

I work in Singapore and use the cloud to control my devices in Florida and Puerto Rico; however, the Almond + in Puerto Rico lost connectivity to the cloud, but the GUI is working fine according to my 90 year old mother.  Luckily, I'm not using it as a router, so I can control my security cameras directly and with my Synology NAS.  There's no way for me to troubleshoot this issue from Singapore using your cloud, and will have to wait until I can send someone over to the house to checkout the device and call customer service if necessary.

The Almond + in Florida is working fine, but it's unfortunate that we cannot upgrade the firmware via the cloud. 

Offline devi

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2015, 01:28:59 am »

Well we are going to release Local connection of Android app directly to the Almond in a month or two, We have made beta version of app for Sensor logs, now working on Scenes, the next is Local connection. We have already started implementing it.


Can you logout for the app and go to Settings->Apps->Almond-> Clear data/Cache and login back again. Your notifications should be up, if not, please let me know.

Offline devi

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2015, 06:15:24 am »
I have two Almond +, and never had a cloud problem until last week.

I work in Singapore and use the cloud to control my devices in Florida and Puerto Rico; however, the Almond + in Puerto Rico lost connectivity to the cloud, but the GUI is working fine according to my 90 year old mother.  Luckily, I'm not using it as a router, so I can control my security cameras directly and with my Synology NAS.  There's no way for me to troubleshoot this issue from Singapore using your cloud, and will have to wait until I can send someone over to the house to checkout the device and call customer service if necessary.

The Almond + in Florida is working fine, but it's unfortunate that we cannot upgrade the firmware via the cloud. 

Please give me your EmailID with which you have affiliated your account, I will look into the problem. Yes Firmware Upgrade from app will be there in next release of app.

Offline MrBishop

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2015, 01:16:02 am »

Well we are going to release Local connection of Android app directly to the Almond in a month or two, We have made beta version of app for Sensor logs, now working on Scenes, the next is Local connection. We have already started implementing it.

Awesome glad to hear it, will it be possible to open a port and use a DNS to access it remotely as well? Any current or future encryption plans? (SSL, SSH, VPN) Can't wait to use this. IF you are looking for a beta tester I am willing to give you logs, etc.

Offline KP4

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2015, 05:44:52 am »
Please give me your EmailID with which you have affiliated your account, I will look into the problem. Yes Firmware Upgrade from app will be there in next release of app.
That's great news regarding firmware upgrade from the app. 

Will send you PM with my email ID for you to look into my problem.  Thanks!

Offline outbackrob

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2015, 11:49:15 am »
Add another voice to the anti-cloud group.     It's fine when we are all in Beta and still working on basic functions, but eventually this will go into production and then I want the door shut.

Offline lmmmmm

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2015, 07:00:05 pm »
I prefer local control and dont want the cloud either. It's ok if it's there, but i dont want to be dependent on it.

It was the main reason i went with the A+. 

Offline cadillackid

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Re: Anti Cloud! ( I want to control my own Almond+ )
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2015, 12:14:00 pm »
I too, am interested in Local control. I bought my almond+ a while back and just now took it out to set it up and was disappointed to see that I cant just Open a port on one of my ISP's and route through so that I coud use DNS internally.. 

I am an owner in a cloud services company, and here I am posting in a forum about how I dont want to use the cloud... 

one of the reasons we are goriwing and becoming succesful is the fact in our product we offer "local processing" for the core of our services,.  it has become one of the big reasons people buy our product over the competitor is that our core functionality and features are available during a cloud or ISP failure.

sure maybe some of the most flashy bells and whistles arent, but to the customer (and the patrons of the customer) our system operates as normal during ISP failure..

one of the reasons I bought Venstar instead of Nest for my thermostats is because they have a Local API..  I couldnt have my HVAC system faltering because the API was cloud based.

My home automation system has been 12 years in the making, and many of its features rival and exceed that of commercial building control systems..
tje almond+ comes into play as it seemed an easy way to add Zigbee / Zwave products to my Mix..  something that my current Homeseer System Lacks on..  (unless I go to their new version which requires i hand-tap my whole Database (500 devices and 100 events.. oh and REWRITE 50 scripts AND a 12000 Line HVAC control program as their API completely changed..).. so Alas updating that system is unlikely anytime soon..

id really Love to be able to use my almond+ but I fear I cannot..  im looking for some way via ie REST API or such that I could talk to the LOCAL ROUTER with.. (ie NOTE: Venstar Tstats have a nice little LOCAL REST API). (the philips hue bridge has a LOCAL REST API) I understand there is some type of SDK for alomnd+ but havent seen much about it.. im guessing thats just for writing android apps??


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