Hi Victor,
We're not limiting anything with the Almond+, in fact, the "cloud" is optional as we'll have a web UI that will allow you to control and monitor your sensors and devices, as well as mobile apps for Android and iOS devices.
Beyond that, the Almond+ will also run dual operating systems, so with a simple click of your mouse, you can go into OpenWRT and add new features to your hearts content. We'll also be offering an SDK, although until a so far undefined point in time after the retail launch, this will only be available to our developer backers from Kickstarter.
I'm not sure about mobile device UI's, but it's something we'd be willing to consider, but sadly it's not something we'd have time to look into until after launch.
Yes, the Sylvania bulbs should be working just fine with the Almond+.
As for IP based devices, it'd be up to you to add support for them via OpenWRT (which is embedded Linux), so technically there's no reason why it couldn't be supported, but it wouldn't be done by us.
Hopefully this and my reply to your other post helps answer your questions.