I'm having an issue with the wireless network in my home, so I'm hoping you smart folks might be able to help me. I got the Almond to try to solve the issue, but it turns out to be something I think that is in the router. It's a recent problem, which is weird because I've had my Netgear Rangemax WPN824 v3 router for years, but this problem has only occurred the past couple of weeks.
I'll have my netbook (yup, I still have one of those) logged on to my wireless network (either directly from the Netgear wireless or from the Almond). Suddenly, after several hours or maybe a day or two, the netbook will say that the link has limited or no connectivity. If I try to reconnect to the same network link, the status will loop through authenticating, then obtaining IP address, then back to authenticating, and so on. Oddly, if I try to connect to the other wireless network, IE either the original Netgear net or the _Almond second network, the connection is made right away. Also weirdly, it doesn't matter which is the original network I'm connected to; when it drops out, the other works fine.
Now I thought the problem might be the netbook, but I eliminated this as the likely source of my problem when I found that my Nexus tablet exhibited the exact same behavior.
I haven't updated the firmware in the router in forever on the theory of don't mess with what works. However, I'm holding off messing with that, hoping that some great minds here can identify a more obvious solution to the problem.
Thanks for any help you can offer!