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Author Topic: Ideas/requests  (Read 9028 times)

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Offline Fusion R53

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« on: July 15, 2017, 05:03:02 pm »
Hi just got the almond+ and have some suggestions.

1. the language icon on the home screen, I wish this was moved into the settings and in its place a connection status icon.

2. A live bandwidth app, after setup the screen is really underused

3. The ability to re arrange the tiles on the home screen

4. Custom tiles to maybe toggle on off specific lights/ scenes etc

5. Maybe a app to directly control a connected thermostat

6. The ability to set a certain app to come on after a timeout like a screensaver eg. the weather or time app (side note weather and time should be on the same screen)

At the moment the screen seams more of a gimmick rather than provide a real use after initial setup

Offline nitesh.agarwal

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Re: Ideas/requests
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2017, 08:59:30 pm »
@Fusion R53

We really appreciate your feedback and would forward the same information to our concerned team. Thank you


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