I think I have seen it mentioned here and there, but I kinda hope the rules support is much better. I know you guys are not really trying to compete with Vera, but this level of Rules support is something that I believe can be easily achieved (I am saying this because I have no clue how you would implement this and what the difficulty would be).
Forgive, my horrible MSpaint job, but here's what I was thinking.
The screenshot just shows all possible options that can be given. Not necessarily what makes sense in terms of the rule in the screenshot.

Summary of what I was looking for
1. Have an option of AND/OR in IF and THEN section, rather than the default AND in the current implementation.
2. Have a lookback for sensors. Basically, in IF section, I should have a lookback for certain events. For example, my media room has the lights on even though the motion detector has not sensed a motion for the past 3 hours. So it should be . IF No Motion For 3 Hrs AND Light ON THEN Light OFF.