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Author Topic: How to interpret sensor values?  (Read 5418 times)

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Offline bwainscott

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How to interpret sensor values?
« on: April 11, 2015, 05:32:58 pm »
I have an AeonLabs smart switch, and it only has 2 variables: a binary (on/off) and a decimal value (power in watts).  The power is very simple to interpret: 0.35 = 0.35 watts.

In DeviceList.xml the PP shows 14 variables.  The closest thing to Power is "ACTIVE_POWER" and it is a "short" and reads 0x000c, which the Web UI interprets as 3.129 watts.

I have a program I wrote using the SDK for use with the other switch, and I'd like to adapt it to the PP, but need to know how to interpret the sensor readings.  If 0xc = 3.129 watts, that would imply that the power readings are all multiples of 0.26 watts.  (That seems a bit large: even with only a 2 byte unsigned value to work with, the plug is only rated to 1875 watts so it should ideally go down about 0.03 watts.)

Anyway, is it true that power in watts = "ACTIVE_POWER" * 0.26?

And can I change the resolution of the device by changing the values of AC_POWERMULTIPLIER or AC_POWERDIVISIOR?  I'd really like more resolution on the low end, and better response.  When charging my phone with the AeonLabs Smartswitch, I see power of about 2.8 watts for several hours, then it drops to 0.7 watts (over the course of 20 minutes), then 0.  The an hour or so later it comes back up to 0.7 watts for a few minutes, then back to 0, and so on.

With the PP, I see 3.128 watts for a few hours, then 0.0 -- nothing in between, and then it just stays at 0.  This sounds like it is neither as accurate nor as responsive at this low power level.  I'm wondering if this behavior can be changed by playing with some of the other values, or if this is just the way the hardware is designed.

Thanks for any info you can provide.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 10:58:35 am by bwainscott »


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