Hi there - We are looking for serious beta testers. This program will be run differently compared to the one we ran earlier. Members of the new program will get unprecedented access to early development firmwares and mobile apps. We will have a single forum to discuss these developments. Below are the conditions to meet our requirements.
--You have to sign an NDA. We want to make sure there is an element of surprise before we release new features to the public. So we will in the future only reveal upcoming features to the beta testers who've signed this NDA.
--You can only discuss these features in our private Beta tester forums.
--You don't work for any of our competitors.
--You are patient

. These internal firmwares and apps tend to be very buggy so please dont signup if you get easily flustered with such issues.
Note: Any user who would like to sign up for the Beta testing, please do reply on this post.