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Author Topic: Hello from Sweden  (Read 5870 times)

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Offline eldaria

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Hello from Sweden
« on: July 27, 2013, 12:23:03 pm »

I'm a Home automation wannabe.
Been fiddling with various technologies in the area, direct wiring to open and close my bedroom door when I was a kid, Welleman K8000 to read sensors and provide I/O, Nexa wireless, etc..

Use Mac for desktop, Linux for home server and Linux and Windows for work computer(s).
Pledged developer pretty much as a learning experience and to get in early, on a very interesting project.

Looking forward to my developer unit, and two final units when the product is ready.


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Re: Hello from Sweden
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 04:33:50 am »
Hi eldaria,

Welcome to the forums.

I hope you'll be able to both learn and contribute from/to the forums. You won't be needing the SDK to be able to do things with your Almond though, but it'll allow you to developer your own software add-ons for the Almond+.



Offline Patrick Wilson

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Re: Hello from Sweden
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 05:51:27 am »

I'm a Home automation wannabe.

Hey you're not alone.  I'm really comfortable with Linux,  and embedded systems like NAS devices and Routers,  Home automation is brand new to me too.   I guess we'll learn together.  I hope you'll visit us regularly. 

Use Mac for desktop, Linux for home server and Linux and Windows for work computer(s).

Hey it's great to see that I won't be alone.   My knowledge of OS X® is extremely limited,  but I've been playing with Linux® (typically Ubuntu®),  and embedded Linux® devices since the 1990's.   I won't be much help you with your Mac®,  but hopefully we can both teach and learn when it comes to Linux.     

Welcome to the Securifi Forums!

Patrick Wilson
Victoria, BC Canada


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