what do you mean by remove the _Almond SSID name extension? How do you do this? I now show both networks. For the extender to work do I need to choose the Almond extension or is it working with my original one?
It depends on the main Router. The preferred method is to have both devices using the exact same SSID. (Unfortunately not all Routers play nice in this configuration).
My recommendation would be to try with both SSID/credentials being
exactly identical (ie no "_almond" on the Almond end). If it works, then you are good to go, and can freely "roam" between the Router and the Range Extender. If it fails, symptoms like you've provided above, then you might need to keep the SSID/credentials "different" between the two.
We'll try it via the TouchUI. Lets start by clicking on the Wireless tile:
Click on the "Name" box, and remove the "_almond" part
Click "
(It won't save your changes if you don't click "Done")Lets go back to the Status screen and check our work.....
Looks like success here....
I'm lucky here. My main Router and all 3 of my Access Points share the exact same SSID & credentials, so I can "roam" anywhere in my home and get signal. I'm hoping I can continue to be setup this way when my Almond+ gets here, and it becomes my primary Router.