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Author Topic: Almond 2015 Need to Open ports that are blocked or filtered through Almond route  (Read 7972 times)

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Offline dieann63

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ever since I bought the almond I have been having trouble with getting downloads and l oading webpages.  Now I get this error when my son tries to connect to his school live lesson

Change firewall settings. Open TCP port 443 and UDP ports 1025-65535 to SSL and non-SSL traffic.

I do not see anywhere in the almond console to open ports, unblock ports etc.

 I need this asap


Offline Ashok

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@ dieann63,

Try to give a static IP to that particular device and then forward the ports 1025-65535 that should solve the issue. However, it seems like there are lot of ports which has to be opened, are we positive we need all of those ports to be opened?

Offline dieann63

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@ dieann63,

Try to give a static IP to that particular device and then forward the ports 1025-65535 that should solve the issue. However, it seems like there are lot of ports which has to be opened, are we positive we need all of those ports to be opened?

Yes, the Presence Learning class needs those above ports unblocked, or unfiltered in order for them to hold chalkboard type therapy lessons.  When I click their link that trouble shoots why we can not connect to them, those are the issues that are stopping them from connecting.  They are only blocked when I use the Almond router, and not blocked when connected to the Ethernet cable on our modem.  Thus, Almond has them blocked, or filtered to the point that on one can get in or out.  I need to unblock those ports through the almond.  There has to be a command prompt??

Offline Ashok

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@ dieann63,

We don't need to login to the console to do the port forwarding. Try to provide the static IP for the device and login to the Web UI-->Advanced-->Port forwarding.

Offline messiem

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Hi have the same problem, some ports are blocked!!

I have a static IP on a machine that is always up and running.  I have tried port forwarding to this internal IP  on port 1194, without any success.

I have exposed this IP over the DMZ and yet, the port is still block!

Is there any solution? A known issue? Do I do anything wrong? Any work around with the console window?


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