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Author Topic: Sensor not triggering action on rule  (Read 6341 times)

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Sensor not triggering action on rule
« on: March 06, 2017, 11:16:45 pm »
I have two NYCE motion sensors and according to what I can see, they both seem to be set up and working properly (History, humidity, and temp all seen on point), HOWEVER when I use them in a rule, I can not get the THEN of the rule to work.

I am still very new to all of this, so I could be missing a small simple step. However the rule is fairly simple:

If between X and Y (time) sensor is occupied, ABC lights on, AND ABC lights off at 180 seconds (more or less).

The rule is on (in color), and the sensor shows activity in the time frame, but the lights never go on.

Thanks in advance

Offline fillibar

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Re: Sensor not triggering action on rule
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2017, 12:20:21 am »
Could you post a screenshot of the Rule? It seems pretty straightforward though.
Other questions... None are earth-shattering, just simple double-checking.
1) Is the time correct on the Almond? (Sorry... have to ask)
2) If you set the device to notify you (in the app) do you get the notification during the timeframe? Just another check to make sure the activity is happening.
3) The THEN is between the "occupied" and the ABC lights on?
Almond 3 mesh handling the home.

Offline tvpccr

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Re: Sensor not triggering action on rule
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2017, 09:17:07 am »
First of all, @Fillibar;
Man you are a champ, you are always the first to help- and really are the character of these forums. If you are not paid by Securfi you should be. Thank you.

As for my question: Correct Time- that is a very interesting item you point out. Now that you point that out and I looked into it, I am not sure that I do have the right time:
-The time displays properly on my main A3 screen.
-The time reports properly on my iOS app for the device histories.
On the web based Admin it has that goofy issue of showing the wrong time zone (with the correct time) unless I refresh the page, then it show the correct time zone but 3 or 4 hours earlier. I did not see any way to edit it there.

What is the best procedure for setting/confirming the time? I looked around (in the apps and on the forums) but did not see anything, and I even tried to mess with the terminal screen but I could not figure out how to edit it manually there.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Sensor not triggering action on rule
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2017, 12:47:06 pm »
I forgot to ask before... Which Almond and do you have the latest software, but you just mentioned it is an A3.
As for time...
On my Almond 3, at the LCD I would bring up the Time app.
At the webpage, I would go to the Advanced tab, select Console, then use the command "date" (type date without quotes and press enter). Although, like you mentioned, timezone can be funny.
So it sounds like you are checking the time like I would.

I do not know how to change it on the webpage either. I tried the typical commands in the console but it declared all the formats I used as invalid.

Anyways... Let's assume your time is correct. So the Rule goes:
IF between Time x and y (we'll assume true) AND Sensor = Occupied (true, you see the activity in your log) THEN ABC Lights On AND ABC Lights Off after 180second delay

So if the trigger is true... But nothing is happening... Could something be wrong with the THEN...
1) Is the light a bulb, dimmer, in-wall switch or plug-in module?
2) Can the light be controlled in the Devices menu in the app/webpage or connected sensors at the LCD?

Just wondering if maybe it is off otherwise? Like if you have a Link bulb in a light but somebody turns off the light itself not just the bulb... You will never be able to control it until it is turned on again.

As for helping... Thanks! Glad to try at least. I may not know everything but I like to think I have picked up a bit playing with the Almonds since the Kickstarter. Plus I am just plain curious about stuff. As for being around... A lot of that is random luck and the convenience of a smartphone.
Almond 3 mesh handling the home.

Offline RichardS

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Re: Sensor not triggering action on rule
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2017, 04:30:10 pm »
The time issue threw me for a loop too. Until Securifi comes up with a solution for it, I have to live with the fact that the A3 will always go back to CST, and I'll have to adjust my timers accordingly.


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