We are currently doing R&D with a set of the original Walnut plugs acquired through a local rebrand. They seem to work decently, however refuse to be reset.
We have tried:
- After insertion single press the pair button
- After insertion 4 seconds of pressing the pair button
- After insertion 10 seconds of pressing the pair button
- After insertion more than 10 seconds of pressing the pair button
- During insertion 4 seconds of pressing the pair button
- During insertion 10 seconds of pressing the pair button
- During insertion more than 10 seconds of pressing the pair button
None trigger a reset. Beacon requests are sent, and NwkOpen replies received however the plugs never join, indicating that they are still fixated on their old hub.
These devices identify as:
appVersion: 18
hwVersion: 17
manufacturerName: "Sercomm Corp."
modelId: "SZ-ESW01-AU"
stackVersion: 80
swBuildId: ""
Instructions? Is there a firmware update or similar to rectify this issue?