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Author Topic: Mesh Networking with Almond  (Read 11416 times)

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Offline Don Farr

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Mesh Networking with Almond
« on: July 21, 2018, 07:06:43 pm »
I have an Almond A1A and would like to create a Mesh Network, and wonder if it will work with a second unit Almond 3?   Or is there a better way?

The current problem appears to be that no matter how close or far I place the Almond A1A unit from the cable router it won't give enough signal to allow consistent streaming.

Offline mparadis

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Re: Mesh Networking with Almond
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2018, 09:31:48 am »
Mesh networking only works with the Almond 3 or Almond 3S units. If the distance is an issue now, it is likely to still be an issue without a more powerful router / access points. Mesh networking makes it easier to use access points but doesn't always improve the range. I would try running an ethernet cable from the router to the Almond and setting up as a wired access point. Strength would be much improved.


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