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Author Topic: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices  (Read 17862 times)

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Offline Fetapreston

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Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:31:58 pm »
Just set up my unit and having some struggles. It detected a laptop and another device which it noted as NaN, however it won't detect iPhones, 2 Alexas, or 4 Belkin wemo switches on the same wifi. Did a firmware upgrade and rebooted it but it still isn't detecting the other devices. Contacted support, didn't get an answer to address the issue.

Offline fillibar

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2017, 02:28:51 pm »
Quick question:
Are the devices on the wifi and able to access the internet?
I assume you mean they are not showing on the network devices list... Also assuming you tried rebooting those devices also...
It is odd they are not showing up.
Almond 3 mesh handling the home.

Offline Fetapreston

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2017, 11:15:51 am »
I rebooted the almond, and also put it back to factory settings and set it up over again. I also tried 'forgetting' the wifi connection on the iphones and then re-establishing it. I also tried changing the 5GHz channel to 40 which I saw on an apple forum. The weird part is that the iphones are showing that they are connected, and they appear to be functioning fine on the wifi. But they won't show up in the almond 3 devices list. And that is my issue. I want to control the kids wifi usage on their iphones, and if they don't show in almond 3 then I can't use the parental controls feature.

The 2 Alexas, 4 Belkin wemos, and a Nintendo are all using the wifi also, and they don't show on the almond 3 either, but the iphones are my main priority. Even stranger, 3 laptops and 3 tablets do show on the almond3, so it appears to be working. But something is not right with the iphones. (a 7, a 6, and two 5s).

Offline Ashok

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2017, 12:50:26 pm »
@ Fetapreston,

Is it possible for you to try "Recycle Network Devices" (Web UI-->Devices-->Network Devices-->Recycle Network Devices) and then check, if you are still facing the same issue then please do hit send logs.

Offline Dawsonshi

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2017, 03:08:35 pm »
FETAPRESTON, I use an Almond 2015 in my garage to extend the WiFi from my Almond 3 which is located in my home. My garage devices do not show up on the device list of the Almond 2015 either, but they do all show up on the Almond 3 as "wired" devices and I am able to control them from the Almond 3.   

I recommend you check your main router to see if your devices show up on it's list.

Offline skillet

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2020, 09:38:33 pm »
I have labeled all my devices and they come and go as NaN. I checked them a couple of days ago and they had names and now several of them Show NaN. I have spent hours labeling everything, so it is very disappointing to see it keep doing this. I am getting all the Mac Addresses so I can switch over to the Gryphon router seems to be a better router.  I had high hopes for this router but nothing but trouble with the two different versions of Almond routers.

Offline skillet

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Re: Almond 3 as Wi-Fi extender not detecting devices
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 06:30:38 pm »
Okay so frustrated with this router and just purchased a Gryphon router. Hopefully, I will have better success with them. No replies to questions. I just went through and marked all my devices last week and went through again this week and my Apple TV that was connected week now shows up as connected "long ago" What does that even mean when there are devices that show as connected 35 days ago. I would think long ago was more than 35 days at least but it showed up last week when I made my log. Kind of useless information if it is inaccurate.

I had such high hopes for Securifi but it feels like they have been stagnant for years with nearly no significant new development. Goodbye Securifi I tried for several years and held on with two of your most expensive routers.


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