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Almond and Almond A1A / Re: Almond stopped working.
« Last post by Nhandy on July 31, 2021, 02:50:10 pm »
I suspect this is a problem with the power connection. If I tinker with the power cable the device seems to connect and then fail again.

I've tried with three different cables but the same thing happens. Is it time to move on to a different product? (From a different company?)
Almond 3 / Re: Almond 3 locks up with blank white screen
« Last post by anwar.shiekh on July 31, 2021, 11:34:55 am »
It's been over 2 years now since replacing the capacitor and the one unit I have had running shows no issues and the room can get quite hot in the Summer. Problem now is that the firmware is over 3 years old.
Almond and Almond A1A / Almond stopped working.
« Last post by Nhandy on July 25, 2021, 12:21:37 pm »
I’ve been using my Almond for 5 years in range extender mode. Two days ago it stopped working. Black screen.

I unplugged it, left it a few seconds, then plugged it back in. The screen lit up as usual and got to the home page. I went to wireless settings to renter the network password and the screen went black again. Nothing can connect to it.

Since then I’ve tried looking so see if there’s a software update (there wasn’t) and now have it plugged into the router. Nothing works. Is it done or is there something else I can try?

Almond 2015.
Almond 3 / Re: Not reporting disconnect
« Last post by fillibar on June 23, 2021, 09:25:18 pm »
Does not hurt to ask at times. Someone might notice. Unfortunately I do not have any recommendation on how to work around that problem or such. Sorry.
Almond and Almond A1A / Re: Wifi slow but hardline is fast
« Last post by Jyrki on June 14, 2021, 03:52:54 am »

How do I use Almond via the hardline and get the faster speed? Should I use Almond as a Range Extender? Got an answer here:
Setting up my Almond as a Range Extender - slow wifi to do my assignment
Almond 3 / Not reporting disconnect
« Last post by anwar.shiekh on May 26, 2021, 09:10:12 pm »
I use an Almond to show the weather 24/7 but when the Almond loses connection (I have it in repeater mode) I do not notice till I realize the weather is not changing. Would be nice if it tried harder to reconnect and reported the problem when the weather screen is up.

Yes I realize I am about the only one on this island and that nobody is listening, but it's worth a shot.

If anyone else runs into this problem:

Amd-versions of backbone worked. Here's a solution: to do my trigonometry homework
Introduce yourself / Hey Guys
« Last post by billyskirrow on March 22, 2021, 03:10:47 am »
Hello, I am Billy Skirrow.
Almond 3 / Security fixes
« Last post by anwar.shiekh on March 13, 2021, 12:13:32 pm »
With the firmware now more than 3 years old; it really could do with an update for security fixes. My Almond 3 units after the capacitor repair are some of the best Wi-Fi units around, but they are now far behind with respect to security patches.
Almond+ / Re: OpenWRT version update?
« Last post by LilasCook on February 15, 2021, 11:14:47 am »
Hello...i have problem after the update. I am trying to do a very simple basic OpenWRT on PI4, and can't get it working.
PI4 build is "openwrt-bcm27xx-bcm2711-rpi-4-ext4-factory".

I added USB3 adapter to create a "multi-homed" PI4, added UPNP package and Lucy, created two interfaces - "lan/eth0" with static IP, and "wan/eth1" with DHCP client.

gerber viewer
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