Securifi Community Forum

Securifi Products => Almond+ => Topic started by: joltdude on August 28, 2014, 07:14:27 pm

Title: Almond as a HA Smart AP
Post by: joltdude on August 28, 2014, 07:14:27 pm
At some point im interested in basically using the Almond+ as a "smart AP" adding home automation and possibly a small USB share on the device...
Is there a way to set the Almond+ to disconnect clients below a certain RSSI (sometimes known as Roaming Assistance)... and how does the Almond+ handle IGMP and misbehaving things like Apples mDNS/Bonjour/Multicasting/Zeroconf/Avahi ... Somewhat more interested in a Home Automation controller that doubles as an access point.. Iv had problems with other vendors Routers/Routers as AP's passing through the mDNS data and devices not wanting to be "discovered" on the AP, but fine on the main router..