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Author Topic: A simple yet valid point!  (Read 3549 times)

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Offline techrecoded

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A simple yet valid point!
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:28:02 pm »
I must say that I have been reading through the comments on here and am kind of surprised at some of the problems people are having here. I have used 3-4 different sensors no issue, even setup a VPN connection so I can watch my Xfinity Live TV anywhere outside my home network (which f'ing Comcast figured out and blocked - FCC Violation) yet I see complaints about things that I (my own opinion for my own issues) believe are less important than the plain print items focused on when this project launched on KickStarter. Yes, this device too a lot longer to produce than expected, but why keep bringing that up (I know I just did again - sorry) but once again forget that. Forget the stupid GUI, forget the VPN, SAMBA, FTP....bla bla bla. This device was marketed comparing itself against the MiCasa Verde Vera 3, among many other "routers" which from a most basic point wireless ac and gigibit ethernet seem to work for me as promised. But wait a second..WHAT ABOUT THE HOME AUTOMATION TECH??? Where is that right? I mean the list of functioning devices is so ridiculously small, there are no scene's, this simple little zwave external control switch doesn't even work (

Whats going on guys...Enough with the little garbage fixes here...lets get MANY more sensors working and add the scene's already. You guys are way behind the 8ball here. This should have been your top priority. Also for some reason I am not listed as a backer, but promise I am. Oh and to the post/comment on the fact that this device basically started over again after successful funding...I agree with you on the hardware piece but here we are now 3-4 months since delivery of our long awaited hardware yet the software part has still yet to be updated with the one of the "primary" functions it was designed and manufactured for ie..home automation (no scene's and lacking sensor control).

« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 11:38:30 pm by techrecoded »


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