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Author Topic: Feature Requests for Rules  (Read 6731 times)

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Offline d.kiran

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Feature Requests for Rules
« on: June 29, 2015, 11:48:13 pm »
Now that I am getting more involved into making a "basic" smart home, I am starting to hit the limitations of the Rules (which I understand is still in Beta). I have a couple of feature requests.

1. The time triggers are wrongly represented in the UI. The time part should be below the device not above to accurately reflect the behavior of the Rules engine. For example, if I set a Rule for between 9 AM and 10 AM, to turn off a switch, then that rule does not run between the time, it is event based. Essentially, it works as If something happened between 9 AM and 10 AM then turn the switch off. So I believe the correct way to do this to have If [DeviceStatus] [At/Between] THEN [DeviceAction]

2. The second option is to order the devices in the If section. Let us say we have two device status in the If Section. For e.g. If <Tilt Sensor is Off> and <No Motion> Then <Close Garage Door>. Here the binary switch and the motion sensor are equal, it doesn't matter which one has an event change first. What should happen instead is that the second device status should not be evaluated if the first fails.

3. Re-evaluate the "If" condition before executing the "Then" . When you have long running rules, things might have changed in the five minutes (or hopefully longer in the future) and the action is no longer applicable. So it would be great if there is check box that we could enable that says, check if rule is still valid before executing or whatever.

4. Add "For" for the time based triggers. Currently there is no way to work with something that has happened in the past. For example, I want to do something if my garage door has been open for five minutes. If I have a rule that says "If GarageDoorOpen Then Wait 300s and Close Garage Door", it wouldn't work for me if someone closes it manually in the mean time. What I want is another section along with "At" "Between"  called, say, "For" that specifies that some status has been valid for a long period of them and then take an action.

BTW, is Home Automation still a priority for Securifi ? I am seeing less and less interest in the forum. In addition the amazon price has increased so I assume people are happy with it as a router and don't want to bother with the HA part.

Offline Fire69

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Re: Feature Requests for Rules
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2015, 04:24:43 pm »
I have 2 requests also.  Not so much about how the rules work, but for the creation of it.

- I already have several rules for my keyfobs and my roller shutters (+10).  I am reorganizing them a little, mostly just more logical names.
When I just want to change the name, I still have to reconfirm the trigger and action.  That's quite annoying, since nothing is changing except for the name.  :(

- I would like to change the order.  I created my rules so they are grouped together, but now I'd like to add one for the shutters. It will be all the way at the bottom, underneath my keyfob rules.  Not very clear when looking at your rules when you have to go searching all over the place.  :(

BTW, is Home Automation still a priority for Securifi ? I am seeing less and less interest in the forum. In addition the amazon price has increased so I assume people are happy with it as a router and don't want to bother with the HA part.

I've got the exact same impression.
There is hardly any response in the forum anymore.

Its price went up?  Why?  Nothing is really working except for the basics... (no offense to the people (hopefully) working hard to get it working, but it's the truth...)
I don't understand why anybody would buy an A+ when they only want a router. I hope they don't do it for the touch-screen, that's a one-off gadget.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 03:17:50 am by Fire69 »


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