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Author Topic: Is the Almond+ still in beta?  (Read 13158 times)

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Offline lowdrag

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Is the Almond+ still in beta?
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:30:34 pm »
I also could not connect. It didn't recognize the PW
Also :
Thanks for including the HASH but please indicate which hash and please use SHA 512 or something if it's alright with you.
Also I got this error when choosing the file : The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

Why is that?


And we hate your bot checker!
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 08:42:01 am by Lars »


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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 11:12:55 pm »
Thanks for the attitude, it really makes for a pleasant forum...

The hash shows up after you upload the firmware to the Almond+ and click on Flash, there's a second screen that allows you to verify the checksum before you proceed to flash the firmware, but you'd known this if you'd read the supplied instructions.

The firmware is working just fine, I just verified it, so please read the provided instructions.

The router password can be found in the LCD UI under Status, Web Admin, since in R066 this is auto generated and randomised at each reset.

Offline lowdrag

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 09:46:03 pm »
First, there was no attitude. I don't know what you mean.
Second, please understand that WE HELPED YOU GET THIS PROJECT FUNDED.
I'm getting a bit angry about the attitude from people that ask for help and MONEY so they can develop a product for their business.
We bank you and try to believe in you and in return we must be very patient and end up your BETA TESTERS.
Sounds like a great deal for you so I would try to treat your backer like a company should treat venture capitalists or shareholders. Or even try treating people like customers. If I'd known that the support for this would be in India and that so many problems would have been a part of this we would not have backed you. If you do not want to learn from your users what is missing, needed or broken then you should hire people you pay to test for you and you should not offer the product until it's ready. We come to you offering help with insights into the elements missed by your team.
You jumble of info is not organized and lacks details in a cohesive manner. Merely asking that you include the type of hash next to the hash JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES when they link a download, is not a jibe, just a comment to help.

You can work with us or against us but I'd highly suggest the former. But hey, it's your choice.
Our resources are coveted these days in the security field. Don't miss out on that.



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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 11:44:11 pm »
Well, if you don't know what I mean, please re-read your posts. I really don't appreciate the tone in your posts and if all you're here for is to slag off our team and our product, I'd rather you ask for a refund and ship the product back to us, problem solved.

FYI, if you missed it, go back and watch the Kickstarter video and you might notice our CEO is Indian. If you have a problem with Indians, then you have a problem with most of our company. Our support team is not outsourced, they're part of our Indian office which is about 2/3 of our company.

Yes, there are some issues and we're working hard on fixing those. As mentioned above, if you're happy, we're more than happy to issue a refund in the basis that you return your Almond+ first.

I'm sorry, enough is enough and if you're unhappy, then you have a choice.

As for the hash, I have no idea what type it is, it shows up in the UI when you've uploaded the firmware and you can compare the two then, if you're not happy with that, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

I'm working with all the other 7,400+ backers just fine and I haven't had to put up with this kind of attitude from anyone else. I'm not here to take abuse from you, I'm here to try to help people. If you don't like our way of doing things, well, then that's up to you and please see above.

Offline lowdrag

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2014, 12:34:59 am »
There wasn't any attitude until you claimed it. I hope you realize where you are taking this and how it will affect the company.
I find your communication insulting at best and parochial at it's worst. Is that your response to inquires on improvement to flaws that exist? 'shut up and return it' ?

Nobody is abusing you and if your skin is that thin then don't get personal.

You didn't explain why the error appeared as previously inquired.
Don't get uppity because you don't understand that Hash. People can help each other understand or not.

Again, there was no tone in the beginning, you did create one though. And it is one that will not help you in the market.


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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2014, 12:43:22 am »
Right, so please explain to me why you were condescending to our support team when you contacted them?

In every single post you've posted in the forums, you've been rude, you've complained about something or the other that's not related to the issues you're seeing and you've been anything but unpleasant.

And yes, I'm offering you a refund, because I don't like dealing with people that have this kind of attitude. I'm happy to help if you explain the issues you're having in a way that I can provide help, but spewing gall all over the forums isn't the right way to get help.

So if you want me to try to even understand your issues, please explain them in a sensible way, one by one and I'll do my best to help you.

If you can't log in to the web UI, please check the LCD UI under Status, Web Admin and you'll be able to see the password and IP address for the web UI.

When upgrading the firmware, the most probable reason for the issue you had is because you tried to use the option to restore settings, rather than the option for upgrading the firmware, there are two options in the web UI, so please, re-read the step by step instructions on the Wiki. If you don't like them, please provide me with suggested changes and I'll update them.

Offline sleepingpython

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2014, 12:46:49 am »
Can i have a refund too?

The almond+ feels like it is barely out of alpha. The features are not mature. I am happy to troubleshoot features with tech support, but seriously, the almond+ is not at a level that is ready for retail at all.


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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2014, 12:49:49 am »
I'm not sure that I agree with you, but if that's how you feel, I'm sure we can arrange a refund for you to.

Offline lowdrag

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2014, 12:53:32 am »
Quit jumping to conclusions. The team you referred to has some nice people and some not. Trouble is exacerbated when you offer support in English but we cannot understand them. It's really difficult especially with technical discussions. They admit a very low level of understanding and while we understand that we don't want you tripping on us because you're offended.

The web UI was not mentioned as an issue. The issue was clearly an error and it was NOT, as you offered, "because you tried to use the option to restore settings, rather than the option for upgrading the firmware," It was the upgrade that was chosen.

We think this is simply a bug and it didn't stop us from making the upgrade work, it's just not the kind of msg you want to convey.

Please try to not make war with us, we don't like it and you're not prepared for it.

If you want to find and fix things for the betterment of everyone then we are all for it.


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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2014, 01:25:40 am »
Well, if it's a bug, then you're the first and so far only one that has come across it, as no-one else have complained about firmware upgrade problems.
Regardless, once we've released R067, any future firmware upgrades will take place via the LCD UI which will make firmware upgrades pretty painless.

As for your other comments, I'm not even going to bother replying to them, as it's clearly a waste of my time.

Offline sleepingpython

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2014, 02:11:13 am »
My issues are separate from lowdrag but after some tech support from securifi, i experienced problems accessing the webui as well, hence i logged into this forum to take a look.

from the amount of posts here, it's pretty obvious there are numerous small and big problems.

My biggest issue is i have a 1gbp internet connection, but i can barely squeezed 200mbps out of it (verified by Securifi tech support remote hands).

I believe this router is marketed as a 802.11ac router? I guess this means that a basic feature is not ready?

I don't think it should be out of alpha yet. You can go around telling people this is an AC router when u can't even hit average high-end N speeds.

But i digress.

I will chat further with tech support. I just spent another 1.5 hours on a fool's errand - performing hardware resets, for a solution provided by securifi that did not work.

Offline sleepingpython

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2014, 02:15:38 am »
First, there was no attitude. I don't know what you mean.
Second, please understand that WE HELPED YOU GET THIS PROJECT FUNDED.
I'm getting a bit angry about the attitude from people that ask for help and MONEY so they can develop a product for their business.
We bank you and try to believe in you and in return we must be very patient and end up your BETA TESTERS.
Sounds like a great deal for you so I would try to treat your backer like a company should treat venture capitalists or shareholders. Or even try treating people like customers. If I'd known that the support for this would be in India and that so many problems would have been a part of this we would not have backed you. If you do not want to learn from your users what is missing, needed or broken then you should hire people you pay to test for you and you should not offer the product until it's ready. We come to you offering help with insights into the elements missed by your team.
You jumble of info is not organized and lacks details in a cohesive manner. Merely asking that you include the type of hash next to the hash JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES when they link a download, is not a jibe, just a comment to help.

You can work with us or against us but I'd highly suggest the former. But hey, it's your choice.
Our resources are coveted these days in the security field. Don't miss out on that.


LD: i agree with your statement and i think it's fair.  I do feel like i have paid to be a beta tester.


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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2014, 02:29:45 am »
Just one question, has the Almond+ launched in retail yet?

Offline sorphin

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2014, 02:31:22 am »
My $.02.... This is/was kickstarter.. not a retail store. That being said. I've backed and received several kickstarter items.. I've known the risks.. If I wanted a 'all done' router, I'd have gone to the store and bought one. No one said the A+ is ready for the storefront yet, that's why it's not there yet. Yes there are issues.. Honestly, the only ones I've had are simply unsupported sensors. Maybe I'm lucky. I've had no heat issues, no shutdown issues, no garbled packet issues (that I'm aware of). My A+ sat for a good week or so on it's back (screen up).. never overheated, never shut down. Right now it's on it's desk stand orientation.. no issues. it sits here 24/7. I don't work for securifi. What I am however, is a programmer, network admin and system admin. I have to deal with customers. I've seen customers act just like some of you are doing. Plain and simple. If you can't accept the risk, take the out that Lars is offering you, and try again (if you want), when the A+ reaches the stores. I'd agree with you, if they weren't even trying to fix anything and said 'here you go, have a nice day'.

It's not done. I didn't think it would be when I backed it. (See note above about Kickstarter not being a retail storefront)  Securifi has worked to bring a product out, and is working hard to get it right. How many other KS things have you backed that didn't even DELIVER? If you say none, well, then you have gotten lucky, because there are plenty of people out there that backed, and got screwed. (I could name a few things, one of which i backed, but was able to get a refund for, before they fell apart).

Offline sleepingpython

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Re: Re: Can not connect to the router after upgrade
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2014, 04:07:55 am »
My $.02.... This is/was kickstarter.. not a retail store. That being said. I've backed and received several kickstarter items.. I've known the risks.. If I wanted a 'all done' router, I'd have gone to the store and bought one. No one said the A+ is ready for the storefront yet, that's why it's not there yet. Yes there are issues.. Honestly, the only ones I've had are simply unsupported sensors. Maybe I'm lucky. I've had no heat issues, no shutdown issues, no garbled packet issues (that I'm aware of). My A+ sat for a good week or so on it's back (screen up).. never overheated, never shut down. Right now it's on it's desk stand orientation.. no issues. it sits here 24/7. I don't work for securifi. What I am however, is a programmer, network admin and system admin. I have to deal with customers. I've seen customers act just like some of you are doing. Plain and simple. If you can't accept the risk, take the out that Lars is offering you, and try again (if you want), when the A+ reaches the stores. I'd agree with you, if they weren't even trying to fix anything and said 'here you go, have a nice day'.

It's not done. I didn't think it would be when I backed it. (See note above about Kickstarter not being a retail storefront)  Securifi has worked to bring a product out, and is working hard to get it right. How many other KS things have you backed that didn't even DELIVER? If you say none, well, then you have gotten lucky, because there are plenty of people out there that backed, and got screwed. (I could name a few things, one of which i backed, but was able to get a refund for, before they fell apart).

i completely agree with u sorphin. not going to argue with a fellow backer.

the reality is:

- The Almond+ had a development stage for developers to receive early units. That was the beta which people could pay for.
- The Almond+ was delivered with problems of varying severity after beta phase
- Some problems can be dealt with some troubleshooting
- Some problems can only be dealt with software updates

But, some problems can only be dealt with refunds?

When the tech support doesn't hold his emotions in check and decides to tell consumers to get a refund - it's reflective upon the spirit of the company.

I have not targeted Lars before, I have very posts under my name and i am currently conversing with support on my issues with Almond+. Coming onto the forums to see an exchange between a backer and a securifi staff is simply appalling.

I would love to have a refund but i refuse to spend another 30USD to ship it back to Taipei. I'm not sure how many people in the forums are experiencing problems and how dissatisfied they are, but if you have a staff going around telling people in public that u can refund if u are unhappy with the service/tech support, u are going to experience a backlash. I certainly did not pay to be a beta tester.


Yes it is not at retail. Does that mean we should lower our expectations of the product? So what did the "beta" phase entail? Did you actually test the throughputs of the units during the beta? Why was it delivered with so many features which clearly hasn't made it pass beta.

To me the 802.11ac speed issue is clearly something that hasn't even made it pass alpha. I can't believe beta testers lived with this speed.

I did request on the kickstarter page for throughput data and a response said that it will be provided. Obviously this wasn't

So right now, i do not see how the question of whether this product is at retail (or not), should affect my expectations of the performance based on the spec sheet which was set out by Securifi.

Tech support doesn't need to take abuse from consumers. But a good tech support will know how to deal with it (take it offline, rise above issue, etc) instead of engaging in a war of words. I don't even have the same tech issues as LD or have any thing against you Lars, but this exchange just allows fellow frustrated backers to gather our pent up frustrations. In time to come, i wouldn't be surprised if more people are going to ask for refunds.

LD: Sorry for digressing again. I didn't even know i had so much pent up frustrations till i read Lars' responses.


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