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Author Topic: Using Almond as an extender... weather and time very unreliable over the months.  (Read 4912 times)

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Offline jntmjt1

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I have an Almond that I use as a range extender.  I have been using it for a couple of years, and it works great for its primary purpose, a range extender.  I like to keep the Weather App displayed, but it seems like it may work fine for a couple of months, then all of a sudden, it just won't load.  Or maybe it will load, but it won't automatically refresh.  Now, it seems my Time App won't synchronize, so it's several hours off. 

I often perform the software updates, but it is always up to date.

Is there anything I can do to enhance the reliability of the time/weather apps, or am I just stuck with the understanding that sometimes they may just not work for a month or two?



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