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Author Topic: Polling functionality from another system  (Read 7155 times)

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Offline NetJanitor

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Polling functionality from another system
« on: October 25, 2018, 10:44:37 am »
I am considering buying the almond+, if it can increase the functionality of my current zigbee sensors.  I have a home security setup with zigbee sensors but the controller is closed to me pulling data from it to my server.  Specifically I have found that some sensors have internal temperature sensors and may have other functionality that I would like to graph using Munin on my home server.  By searching the forum It sounds to me like, at least in 2016, there was no functionality for SNMP polling and I am not finding anything else detailing the possibilities nor do I have access to someone with this system to test it's value to me.  I really see a potential here for what I want but cannot see dropping that much money if it doesn't increase what I already have.

Is there a function in the almond+ that can be used, such as ifftt and / or snmp polling, to pull sensor details? 

Maybe even a syslog function in it that can be set to send debug level logs that would contain info that the sensors contain beyond just the door open door closed events?  Are those events even possible to send via a syslog or snmp trap?

Has an EOL date been set for the almond+ for feature updates?

Is there a plan to provide an almond 3 in the almond plus form factor with more than 2 ethernet ports?   

Offline Shazster

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Re: Polling functionality from another system
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2018, 11:31:07 am »
A+ should be assumed to be EOL. It has been a long while since the last firmware update. The A+ has some websocket functionality that may be useful. That being said, if you want to test it out, buy a second-hand unit for less. My A+ And A2015 are still in service as access points, with some automation routines left on that still fire reliably. As a hub, it had potential, but as a router, it leaves a lot to be desired. I have used SNMP Android apps that seemed to provide basic lists of connected devices when they polled the network, but have not retried since retiring them to AP duty.

Offline NetJanitor

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Re: Polling functionality from another system
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2018, 03:45:24 pm »
I did get the unit and am trying to find the value in it.  Since syslogs are giving me no joy I am looking into the API methods.  I am wondering if the websocket API should be reachable from a browser?  I plugin the ws:// uri in firefox and nothing ever happens.  Checking webServer.log and netstat on the almond gives no indication it connected.  I try it from my chromebook and at least get a disallowed url scheme message in the browser so I assume that browser doesnt support it.  Will I have to learn programming to be able to even look at the information available via the API's or is there a linux application that can allow me to browse them? 

Offline mikeys63

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Re: Polling functionality from another system
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2018, 01:50:31 pm »
I did get the unit and am trying to find the value in it.  Since syslogs are giving me no joy I am looking into the API methods.  I am wondering if the websocket API should be reachable from a browser?  I plugin the ws:// uri in firefox and nothing ever happens.  Checking webServer.log and netstat on the almond gives no indication it connected.  I try it from my chromebook and at least get a disallowed url scheme message in the browser so I assume that browser doesnt support it.  Will I have to learn programming to be able to even look at the information available via the API's or is there a linux application that can allow me to browse them?

If you add Simple Websocket Client as a Chrome Extension you can send commands and receive responses and data updates.  But before you see anything you have to send the command to login to the websocket.   See
I actually wrote a python server that runs on the Raspberry PI along with Home-assistant that monitors the Almond+ websocket and sends the data from the connected sensors to Home-assistant via MQTT. I have also sent commands to Almond+  using a Python program.

Offline NetJanitor

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Re: Polling functionality from another system
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2018, 02:12:15 pm »
Thank you, I will try that out.  I first want to make sure the temperature data is readily available before I go learning a new language.  I haven't done programming since the days of COBOL and C++.


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