I have charter, but my A+'s haven't made it to my connection yet full time, because i have to telecommute. the 192.168.100.x address is assigned by the cablemodem itself. You weren't getting a DHCP address from the headend. Charter's setup is a bit touchy, because it not only watch your cable modem's MAC address, but whatever is on the 'lan' side of the cablemodem to pull the 'live IP'. If you had something else on the line before the almond+, it expects that back. I don't know about the broadcast bit ,i'll have to look at that, but generally if I have issues with it being able to pull an IP from charter, i'll disconnect the modem, for a few minutes, to force the headend to refresh me. (or you can call them and they can force a refresh on their end). I'll report back anything I find too when I dig.