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Author Topic: Almond+ and 433Mhz  (Read 8378 times)

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Offline prignony

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Almond+ and 433Mhz
« on: September 16, 2013, 04:12:59 pm »

I'm a backer for the almond+ and i'd like to know if technically the router will be able to communicate with 433mhz equipment? I do have a few COCO or Chacon product at home and I'd like to use them with the almond. This one: and a few of theses too:

I allready managed to make them work with and arduino so I think it will be possible to add it to almond+. Sketch are here:

Do you think it is feasible?



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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 10:57:25 pm »
If you're happy to tinker and you somehow can add support either via USB or an Ethernet bridge of some kind, then yes, it's technically possible, but it's not something we'll be officially supporting and there's no built in 433MHz radio in the Almond+.

Offline prignony

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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 12:17:14 pm »
Thanks you for theses informations, I'll see what I can do, do you have link I should look into about WRT dev specifically for the version you are going to use?

I'll probably try to find something like,3636,1,ZIPATO--Module-d-extension-RF-433MHz-pour-Zipabox.htm for the Almond+ and try to see where to go from there.
I'm pretty sure it can be a nice add on for the Almond, lot of consumer product use inexpensive 433mhz device to add automation.

Offline Automate

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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2013, 04:19:45 pm »
You may want to look at this

They have an open source SDK

Offline prignony

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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2013, 07:14:35 am »
Thanks for the link, I already have something that is kind of working with an arduino and the webshield but since I brought an Almond I'd like to make the things more usable for says wife to use.

This module is nice, it might be interfaced with the almond+ and the usb host. mmm I'll look into that once the almond is at home. Thanks you :)

Offline Mike

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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 07:04:50 am »
I have also started playing wit arduino and I really like the idea of spreading some arduinos around my home to monitor motion, light, temperature, etc. Im currently waiting for an order of cheap 433mhz transceivers to get some networking between arduinos going.
I know there are zigbee/zwave modules for arduino available but they are quite expensive compared to the rest of the components required.
When the almond+ arrives It would be really cool to link the whole bunch together, so the almond logs the sensor data, gives a realtime/history overview, and acts on these conditions.
How to make this link i'm not sure yet, i was thinking of maybe using one arduino as receiver for the 433 network and using a lan link to get the data to the almond. But i have no clue yet on how everything gets to talk to and understand eachother. It will keep me occupied untill the almond finally arrives I guess :)


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Re: Almond+ and 433Mhz
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2014, 02:52:14 am »
This might be something for those of you that wants to tinker with 433MHz gear


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