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Author Topic: 2015 SDK  (Read 12955 times)

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Offline Hansen70

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2015 SDK
« on: March 11, 2015, 11:34:15 am »
When will the SDK be released for the Almond 2015?


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Re: 2015 SDK
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2015, 01:00:40 pm »
I don't think we have any plans on releasing an SDK for the Almond 2015.
It's not based on an open source platform for one, so we're not allowed to share the SDK from the chipset vendor and our own SDK only covers certain aspects of the product due to this.

Offline ven

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Re: 2015 SDK
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2015, 10:52:55 am »
I don't think we have any plans on releasing an SDK for the Almond 2015.
It's not based on an open source platform for one, so we're not allowed to share the SDK from the chipset vendor and our own SDK only covers certain aspects of the product due to this.

Is there the possibility that the company would build a REST interface to expose some of the automation functionality without exposing the proprietary information that the chipset vendor wants to protect? It would be really nice to have this available to a home developer that wanted to integrate alerts into other systems that they have running in their house. It would also provide a great means to allow IFTTT integration.

Don't read this the wrong way, your rule builder is great, but I know of a few friends that are holding out from buying an almond because they want IFTTT integration in the home automation products they purchase.

Offline brown14784

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Re: 2015 SDK
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 06:45:25 pm »
A bit misleading that the 2015 is not offered with the SDK.
The web site depicts the unit as a budget saver and states nothing about it being a non-open source device.  Maybe I missed something in all the excitement when I purchased it.

Offline brown14784

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Re: 2015 SDK
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2015, 03:05:16 pm »
I noticed an executable in /bin named ZigbeeClient.
Possible to get a list of commands and how to use it?
Or maybe some other way to externally address zigbee devices on the almond 2015?


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