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Author Topic: Firmware update consistently fails with R70  (Read 7049 times)

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Offline bwainscott

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Firmware update consistently fails with R70
« on: April 11, 2015, 01:46:16 pm »
So I downgraded the A+ to R70, and still can't get the Peanut Plug to update the firmware.  It says a new firmware is available, but always fails.  Sometimes I get "Progress 0%" and then "Update failed".  Sometimes it goes straight to "Update failed", and a few times I got the "Update failed" before I even pressed the button to tell it to update!  Whenever I try to update the firmware, the Peanut Plug goes to a flashing red LED mode and never comes back out of it:  I get "Update failed" and the Peanut keeps flashing until I pull it out of the wall.  I let it go 30 minutes once, still kept flashing.

Any suggestions?

Offline Automate

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Re: Firmware update consistently fails with R70
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2015, 01:55:41 pm »
How far apart are the A+ and Peanut?  Did you try cycling power on the Peanut just before attempting the update?

Offline bwainscott

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Re: Firmware update consistently fails with R70
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2015, 02:24:46 pm »
How far apart are the A+ and Peanut?  Did you try cycling power on the Peanut just before attempting the update?

About 4 feet apart, and yes I tried unplugging the peanut and plugging it back in.

Offline bwainscott

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Re: Firmware update consistently fails with R70
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2015, 04:25:33 pm »
Tried several more times with R70: deleted sensor, added again, unplugged Peanut Plug, moved it immediately next to the Almond+ (2 inches), etc.  No success.  Guess I'll wait for R73 and if it doesn't work then I guess I'll try contacting support?

EDIT: I tried downgrading to R69cp, since I'd had some accidental success updating the firmware on the PP using that.  This time it said "failed" but the light on the PP stayed solid red.  I left everything untouched, and after about 5 minutes the "Update failed" changed to "Update 1% compete"...and it eventually finished.  I THINK the same may have worked with R70 (I seem to recall that ONCE the light on the PP stayed solid red for a while), but I got impatient.  Definitely not user friendly.  Back on R72 now and power monitoring works.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 05:19:12 pm by bwainscott »


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