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Author Topic: Give 'em a Chance  (Read 7176 times)

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Offline mjs

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Give 'em a Chance
« on: November 25, 2015, 08:28:26 pm »
I know there are many people who have expressed frustration with Securifi's products, but I would like to share my thoughts. Disclaimer: I do not work for the company! I have used two of the Securifi Almond 2015s for over six months now, and have been patient with the firmware releases, the bugs, and minor issues. I've tried several other products over the past couple of years, and Securifi's products show promise. I realize how frustrating it can be when we have to keep waiting for updates, things we would like to see, etc., but I also understand that development of a product of this nature, the variety of devices needing support, and the complexity of scope of making as many changes as everyone is requesting is going to take some time. Mine have been functioning for over six months, and sure, there are some bugs or features not implemented that can be annoying, but I have not found a single HA/Router/Extender device that has been the true, all you need for everything to work device, especially for this price range and not requiring a subscription fee. I am pleased with what I CAN do, and am hopeful that the Securifi team will address many of the issues users are reporting. I, for one, am willing to hang in there for the long haul. If you are unsatisfied, move on. If you have a particular issue, post it the forums and the Securifi team will do their best to address them. They have always been helpful and courteous to me, even if they can't fix a particular bug or provide a particular feature right away. So for those of you who can see the value in what they do offer, please support them and their efforts. If you can't, please don't trash the team or fill the board with rants. It makes it harder for us content users to sift through the posts for common issues and I'm sure it takes a toll on the Securifi support/development team. I am one of those users who would like to see Securifi succeed in their mission of developing HA in their devices. I can easily think of at least four other mainstream HA vendors who, in my opinion, are a joke. Don't believe me? Go out and buy their products instead.

Offline fgtech

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Re: Give 'em a Chance
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 10:01:43 pm »
Thanks for that! The silver lining to people venting their frustration here is that they are still here and have high expectations. Passionate customers are a good thing. When this place goes quiet is when we really know Securifi is in trouble.

Offline mjs

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Re: Give 'em a Chance
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 10:57:09 pm »

Thanks. I agree. The suggestions and reporting of issues by passionate customers is very important information that Securifi and the community needs. It's the posts where members are venting and trashing the products that is discouraging to those who are trying to help Securifi, others in the community, and potential customers. I see some great contributions from both Securifi and forum members and greatly appreciate that. :) Unfortunately, I have also seen review sites post links to some of these forum articles that, taken out of context, could turn new customers away. Entusiastic and passionate customers are one thing, nemeses are another.


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