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Author Topic: Static DHCP Leases  (Read 6397 times)

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Offline Richel

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Static DHCP Leases
« on: August 15, 2016, 08:14:04 am »
I have set up several devices with static IP addresses, or so I thought. This morning I found that one of my devices that was assigned a static IP address, had a different one. This, of course, caused all kinds of issues. I have no clue as to why it was reassigned a new IP address. The only thing that I can see is that on the Static DHCP Leases screen the MAC address had hyphens xx-xx-xx-xx-xx; rather than colons xx:xx:xx:xx. There was no error message when I assigned this IP address earlier with the MAC address format with hyphens. Should this make a difference? Otherwise, why would the IP address be reassigned, when I had set the static IP addrss. I am on firmware R089.

Offline Ashok

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Re: Static DHCP Leases
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2016, 10:11:33 am »
@ Richel,

I have set up several devices with static IP addresses, or so I thought. This morning I found that one of my devices that was assigned a static IP address, had a different one. This, of course, caused all kinds of issues. I have no clue as to why it was reassigned a new IP address. The only thing that I can see is that on the Static DHCP Leases screen the MAC address had hyphens xx-xx-xx-xx-xx; rather than colons xx:xx:xx:xx. There was no error message when I assigned this IP address earlier with the MAC address format with hyphens. Should this make a difference? Otherwise, why would the IP address be reassigned, when I had set the static IP addrss. I am on firmware R089.

We have tested with colon and hence, please do use only colon for now.


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