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Author Topic: HA functions cease when internet disconnects  (Read 10258 times)

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Offline RichardS

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HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« on: December 18, 2016, 05:24:16 pm »
We're on our fourth multi-day internet outage in three months. This is the first one since we go the Almond 3. Currently, we are only running some smart bulbs, and I noticed that the rules stopped functioning after the outage began. Also, the Android app has trouble reconnecting to the router via local connection, even though the phone is getting it's local IP number from that router. I can manually reconnect by adding it back as if it was a new Almond on my network, but it loses it every time the app is closed. Are there any recommendations for how I can fix this? I need my Almond to remain in control of it's sensors, even if the internet connection to the outside world is lost.

Offline Ashok

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 09:46:00 pm »
@ RichardS,

We're on our fourth multi-day internet outage in three months. This is the first one since we go the Almond 3. Currently, we are only running some smart bulbs, and I noticed that the rules stopped functioning after the outage began. Also, the Android app has trouble reconnecting to the router via local connection, even though the phone is getting it's local IP number from that router. I can manually reconnect by adding it back as if it was a new Almond on my network, but it loses it every time the app is closed. Are there any recommendations for how I can fix this? I need my Almond to remain in control of it's sensors, even if the internet connection to the outside world is lost.

There shouldn't be any issue in switching to Local connection. We have to just make sure that we connect App through local connection at least once and there after switching shouldn't be any issue. Let us know, if you are still facing the issue and also does this happen on multiple devices?

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2016, 12:33:40 am »
None of the three Android devices are able to reconnect without having to re-enter the information, which is subsequently lost again upon closing. The PC that now has a wired connection to the Almond 3 has no problem connecting with the web interface. The LCD UI can still manually operate the smart lights, the rules just don't work.

Prior to the internet outage, the Almond 3 was in Range Extender mode, operating as part of my pre-existing network. The rules were functioning reliably. The outage happened at 0210, so the problem with the Almond wasn't noticed until the outdoor lights failed to turn off at dawn. When I went to try to connect with my phone to try and turn them off that way, it couldn't reach the Almond via local connection.

I wondered if operating in Range Extender mode was the problem, so I decided to remove that from the equation. I retired my old router, promoted the Almond 3, and changed it to operate in Router mode. It did not resolve any of the problems.

Offline Ashok

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2016, 08:22:23 am »
@ RichardS,

None of the three Android devices are able to reconnect without having to re-enter the information, which is subsequently lost again upon closing. The PC that now has a wired connection to the Almond 3 has no problem connecting with the web interface. The LCD UI can still manually operate the smart lights, the rules just don't work.

Prior to the internet outage, the Almond 3 was in Range Extender mode, operating as part of my pre-existing network. The rules were functioning reliably. The outage happened at 0210, so the problem with the Almond wasn't noticed until the outdoor lights failed to turn off at dawn. When I went to try to connect with my phone to try and turn them off that way, it couldn't reach the Almond via local connection.

I wondered if operating in Range Extender mode was the problem, so I decided to remove that from the equation. I retired my old router, promoted the Almond 3, and changed it to operate in Router mode. It did not resolve any of the problems.

To our best knowledge, it should be working fine and could you please let us know the app version on 3 devices?

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 02:57:26 pm »
My phone is running version 6.95, and my wife's phone and tablet appear to be running 6.9.

Offline mparadis

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2016, 03:45:14 pm »
Can you test it a few times? Set up a test rule to test (something as simple as at 3pm turn on these light bulbs) then disconnect the network cable and see if the rules fire. Also try to connect via local connection at that point. Is the A3 up to date with the latest firmware?

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2016, 04:23:22 pm »
I'll give it another shot when I get home with creating new rules and disconnecting the DSL modem from the A3.

The internet is still out, not projected to be back on until 27 DEC 16. (AT&T apparently doesn't give a tiny rat's butt about their rural customers.) The current rules are just two: lights on at dusk, lights off at dawn. Since the outage started on 16 DEC 16, the rules have functioned exactly zero times.

Offline mparadis

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2016, 07:07:09 pm »
That is quite strange. Have you updated the firmware (obviously when you had internet access) I believe it can also be updated via USB if you have another place to download it if need be. I can't believe its like that with the internet, what part of the country are you in? Also, as a last resort I would try factory resetting the entire device and updating to the latest then trying again. If that doesn't work I'd call support. I can confirm I have no issues using my Almond devices including 3 while offline (local connection) or having rules report correctly.

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2016, 01:03:52 am »
I'll start with the good news:
I unplugged the DSL modem from the A3, and logged into the A3 with the PC. I deleted the rules, and made a new test rule to turn off the lights, set for the time two minutes ahead. It worked.

Since the original rules triggered at sunrise and sunset, I wonder if the A3 was dependent on receiving the times of dawn and dusk from the internet? If so, the rules weren't working because the A3 was never receiving the trigger due to the internet outage. I rebuilt the rules, and if it fails to turn off the lights at dawn, then I'll change the trigger to specific times.

Maybe an idea for an update is to have loss of internet be a trigger? Is there already some way of doing this, maybe through IFTTT?

The bad news:
It did not fix the issue with the Android apps losing connectivity to the A3.

I live in the Upstate region of South Carolina 15 minutes or so away from the nearest incorporated town. The outage appears to be pretty limited, as my neighbor's service is also out, but other people half a mile away are not affected. Obviously, I don't know everybody in the area, and people keep to themselves and enjoy their privacy, so one doesn't simply walk up to other peoples' houses to ask if their internet is on. If they don't know you, it could be hazardous to your health to show up unannounced.

Tomorrow, I'm calling AT&T to give them the "give me one good reason not to cancel my service with you" speech. We've done without broadband internet access a lot over the past three months, so a 3G/4G modem from Verizon (our current wireless provider) should be quite enough to restore basic web access for our PC, and smart home applications.

I updated the firmware when I received the A3 back in November, but it looks like there is a new version out since.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 01:05:47 am by RichardS »

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2017, 10:48:37 pm »

My internet connection is via a 3G/4G modem now. The Almond 3 has done all it's updates. Internet connection functions as desired for basic uses.

However, the dawn and dusk Rules still only worked intermittently. I supposed that they were missing their cue to trigger, so I put them to trigger on a specific time. Now, the lights have missed their turn-on time every time, but the turn-off time triggers just fine I think - I'm not awake for it, but they're off when I get up. Any idea what might be going on here? I deleted the Rules and rebuilt them today, so I suppose I'll see if that fixes it.

Offline mparadis

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2017, 10:55:21 pm »
Really strange but hopefully that works. Have you tried calling support? Just seems so weird.

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2017, 10:50:30 pm »
The Rules have worked since deletion and rebuild. I still wonder why they weren't working, though. I suppose we will never know... Oh well.

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2017, 09:16:40 pm »
Since I'm not "around" when the Rules activate, I set the lights to notify me every time. I think I've stumbled onto the problem: time.

The A3 is 1 hour slow. It will not let me manually adjust the time or time zone on the LCD UI, and the web UI keeps going back to another time zone that does not correspond to EST (where I am) or CST (where the A3 time is apparently).

Offline RichardS

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2017, 10:18:41 pm »
I messed around with it and got the time fixed. The dropdown menu always goes back to -11 GMT, regardless of what time the A3 is actually on. Basically, you have to ignore what the web UI /says/ the time is, set it for the time zone using the dropdown, tell it to Apply; then go back to your LCD UI, go Home, then open the Time app, and see if your A3 has the right time. If not, repeat the process, better luck next time. (Bad pun intended.)

After the number of various equipment failures and people failures I've had to deal with today, I really feel like screaming.

Offline fillibar

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Re: HA functions cease when internet disconnects
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 08:34:53 am »
I have found that some changes on the Almond 3 webpage need a shift-refresh to actually show the change. Not sure if time would be one, but the next time something does not look to have changed, try that. It is a bug they are aware of.
Almond 3 mesh handling the home.


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