Slickdeals has a listing for 4 different types of devices. Make sure you add a quantity of 2 to your cart for each type of device BEFORE entering the promo code: is basically the listing from SlickDeals. Give them the benefit of it though, go to their site first.
2-Pack Centralite 3200-Series ZigBee Plug-in Appliance Module
$34.99 w/ promo code SDAPPMOD
2-Pack Centralite 3100-Series ZigBee Plug-in Lamp Module
$34.99 w/ promo code SDLAMPMO
2-Pack Visonic MCT-340 E 2,4Ghz Wireless Door Window Sensor
$17.99 w/ promo code SDSENSOR
Make sure you select mydigitaldiscount as seller
2-Pack Bosch Pro-Grade ZigBee Wireless Motion Detector ISW-ZPR1-WP13 (Requires Samsung SmartThings Hub)
$25 w/ promo code SDMOTION
Make sure you select mydigitaldiscount as seller